Vb Loop Pause Until User Clicks Continue
Jul 29th, 2005,09:14 AM #1
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New Member
[RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
I have a frame that has an "OK" and "Cancel" button on it. After I display the frame, I want to prevent the next line of code from executing until they click one of the two buttons. How do I put some kind of pause in my code that will wait until they click a button?
Jul 29th, 2005,09:26 AM #2
Re: Pause until button clicked?
By setting a boolean flag
VB Code:
Dim blnFlag As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
blnFlag = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox "First MessageBox!"
Do Until blnFlag
MsgBox "Second MessageBox!"
End Sub
Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio.NET 2005, MASM
Jul 29th, 2005,09:27 AM #3
Re: Pause until button clicked?
if you're not looping or runing any timers then nothing will get excuted untill user does something. In any case here is an API function that you can utilize:
VB Code:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SleepEx Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long, ByVal bAlertable As Long) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
SleepEx 5000, False 'pause execution for 5 seconds
End Sub
Jul 29th, 2005,09:37 AM #4
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New Member
Re: Pause until button clicked?
Thanks dudes!
I tried exactly what Chemical Nova was talking about, except I didn't have the DoEvents in the loop.
vbforums rocks
Jul 29th, 2005,09:42 AM #5
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
i liked chemicalNova ways better
Jul 29th, 2005,09:48 AM #6
Re: Pause until button clicked?
Originally Posted by helpmewithvb
Jul 29th, 2005,10:05 AM #7
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
Which is true. So taking into account RhinoBull's post:
VB Code:
Dim blnFlag As Boolean
Dim counter As Byte
Private Sub Command1_Click()
blnFlag = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox "First MessageBox!"
Do Until blnFlag
If (counter < 255) Then
counter = counter + 1
counter = 0
End If
MsgBox "Second MessageBox!"
End Sub
Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio.NET 2005, MASM
Jul 29th, 2005,12:55 PM #8
Thread Starter
New Member
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
Use it with caution (perhaps every 100 or so iterations) - otherwise it may take over your cpu ...
Jul 29th, 2005,01:04 PM #9
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
Jul 29th, 2005,01:09 PM #10
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
Use it with caution (perhaps every 100 or so iterations) - otherwise it may take over your cpu ...
Good advise. Can someone please elaborate on this? How does it take over the CPU?
Well around 100 + iterations you cpu %s will start going up shokingly!!
after 100 might b even 150 you processor resources will mostly b consitrated on your application.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
over use of cpu might cuss the computer to crash or even loss of data
Jul 29th, 2005,01:14 PM #11
Re: [RESOLVED] Pause until button clicked?
What the heck are you talking about?
If you have a long loop then once in awhile you have to pass control to OS or otherwise your app will freeze pretty much everything on your pc. To do that VB6 doesn't have much to offer except for DoEvents which in turn will charge your CPU upto 100% if not used wisely - using iterations is the only way arround, though.
Source: https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?352247-RESOLVED-Pause-until-button-clicked
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